Denmark South Carolina 1031 exchange

Are you looking for help with a Denmark South Carolina 1031 exchange?

You have come to the right place. At WealthBuilder 1031 Exchange Company, we can help you with your Denmark South Carolina 1031 exchange. Call WealthBuilder 1031 Exchange Company today at (979) 589-4398 or toll free at (888) 508-1901.

We can walk you through the 1031 exchange process. The key is to get started early by hiring us to serve as your qualified intermediary/1031 exchange agent. We start the process by having you sign an engagement letter, but there are no fees due until the exchange actually takes place. All our services are conducted on a fixed fee basis and are not dependent on the dollar value of your transactions. After that, you will sign all the necessary 1031 exchange documents at the title company or closing office at the various real estate closings on the properties you are buying and selling.

We can assist you in all the different types of 1031 exchanges including deferred exchanges, reverse exchanges, delayed exchanges and improvement exchanges.

You will notice several differences in WealthBuilder 1031 Exchange Company from our competitors. First, a licensed attorney (not a minimum wage clerk) prepares all your 1031 exchange paperwork. Second, we open a separate escrow account for each transaction so your 1031 exchange funds are not commingled with any other person's funds, and you will get bank statements sent directly to your mailing address. Third, we are bonded and insured to protect your interests. Finally, your 1031 exchange funds are held in a money market type escrow account (not invested in some risky financial product designed to earn extra interest for the exchange company). The goal is to have your money available for your real estate closings, not to maximize our earnings. We think these differences set us apart from our competitors. We hope you agree.

We want to help complete your Denmark South Carolina 1031 exchange in the best, most efficient way possible. Call our office now at (979) 589-4398 or toll free at (888) 508-1901 to get started.
